Translational Biotechnology Hosted Seminar by Alireza Sohrabi from University of Texas, Austin
3D Printed Scaffolds toward Personalized Medicine in GlioblastomaAlireza Sohrabi, Ph.D. Tuesday, April 19, 2022 |
Dr. Sohrabi earned his B.Sc in polymer science and engineering from the University of AmirKabir in Iran. He moved to the Netherlands to continue his education, where he earned his M.Sc. in chemical engineering from the University of Twente. In 2014, he joined the bioengineering department at UCLA, working under Professor Stephanie Seidlits's mentorship. He earned his Ph.D. in bioengineering in 2021. Alireza started his postdoctoral research in the same lab in June 2021 and later moved to the University of Texas at Austin to continue his research. Alireza's primary research involves engineering biomaterial to study how the tumor microenvironment affects glioblastoma (GBM) cancer. Currently, he is working on a novel targeted nano-capsule gene carrier for gene delivery in GBM. This seminar will discuss the biomaterial-based culture system developed by the Seidlits lab to grow patient-derived GBM cells in a brain-mimetic 3D scaffold and expand on a rather limited understanding of GBM tumors. The Seidlits lab utilized this platform to elucidate the pathway behind the development of drug resistance in GBM cells. Next, the speaker will discuss the provisional patent their group has obtained based on a combination of the biomaterial platform and the 3D printing technologies they've employed and discuss the thought process behind expanding an idea to a patent.