From Stage IV NSCLC Diagnosis Through Clinical Trials and Beyond:

a patient’s experience

Jeff Julian
Assistant Coach, USC Swim Team
Head Coach, RoseBowl Swim Team
Patient Care Advisory Board Member, Addario Lung Cancer Foundation

Wednesday, March 7, 2018
1:00 – 2:00 pm*
NRT LG503/504

"Dear Friends, Family and Loved Ones, My world has been rocked today.

Jeff Julian made this announcement on social media early January 2015. Doctors had just given him the diagnosis of stage IV lung cancer. It had spread to 27 places in his body and he was given just 6 to 12 months to live. After visiting several doctors and experts in the field, and getting much, often conflicting advice, an oncologist mentioned a clinical trial with a combination therapy of two new immunotherapy drugs, ipilimumab and nivolumab. After consulting his different doctors, family, and friends about this option, Jeff enrolled. Twelve weeks into treatment, the first scans showed his tumors had shrunk significantly. They continued to shrink and are now substantially smaller than their original size. This talk is about Jeff’s journey, from diagnosis to genomic testing, clinical trials, treatments, and outcome, being bounced between doctors and facilities, and the changes it made in Jeff’s and other people’s lives.

* Seminar began with an introduction by Cecilie Boysen on the science of combined immune checkpoint blockade anti-PD-1/anti-CTLA4 therapy.

Speaker Bio:
Jeff Julian is Assistant Coach on the USC women’s and men’s swim teams, as well as longtime Head Coach for the RoseBowl Swim Team. Jeff himself was a USC eight-time All-American, Pac-10 champion and U.S. National teamer. He has served on the Southern California Swimming Board of Directors, as Pacific Committee Chairman 2006-2015 and is a 2-time USA Swimming National Select Camp Assistant Coach. He now serves on the Addario Lung Cancer Foundation’s Patient Care Advisory Board, a patient-led movement to drive better outcomes for lung cancer patients through awareness, education, and shared experiences.

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